Ecofilae / References / Strategy to support water reuse projects in the Adour-Garonne basin

Strategy to support water reuse projects in the Adour-Garonne basin - 2017

Strategy to support water reuse projects in the Adour-Garonne basin

Activity sectors





AE AG has commissioned Ecofilae a strategic study whose objectives are:

  • To "see clearly" on WW Reuse'issue on the territory;
  • To know the basin's potential and to propose a typology of projects;
  • To adopt a methodology to assess the relevance of projects to the various issues and evaluate the degree of maturity of these projects using key indicators including indicators of innovation level.

Ecofilae’s actions

  • Review of the existing WW Reuse (brakes encountered and implemented solutions)
  • Map analysis of the WW Reuse opportunities in the basin (domestic and industrial WW) - Evaluation of the sites / WWTPs and priority sectors for the WW Reuse
  • WW Reuse project and checklist of specific WW Reuse indicators to guide funding AE AG
  • Regulatory Summary in France and Europe


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